
Senior Citizons Forum

Tentative programme chart for senior citizens forum meeting sharjah mar thoma church : 2016 -2017.

As usual 3rd Sunday monthly meetings at 8 pm to 9.30 pm at church. To start registration of senior citizens charging AED.10.00 as registration fee. This will create a base for the finance.

Have love feast on the 3rd Sunday monthly meeting, for those who are attending to ascertain attendance of more member’s involvement . This will give more interaction between the members and other family members.

Formation of a committee to enable more reaching out to the eligible senior citizens and to enable more effective working.

To start house visit of all the senior citizen’s houses. This will lead to a well knit society, having a lot of personal touch.

To start house visits of those who are ailing, sick and those who are not in a position to attend the meetings due to age related ailments. This will help them to think of our concern for their well being.

George Thomas
Lay Vice President G025
Sam Cherian
Secretary S063
John Mathew
Treasurer J028