
Parish Choir

The parish choir owes its beginnings to the early days of the establishment of the Sharjah Marthoma Parish, and was established in the year 1979.

Over the years, it has grown from strength to strength by the grace of the Almighty God, and all that we achieved is due to His abundant blessings, the sincere untiring efforts of the Choir master, and the dedication of every choir member.

The choir plays a key role in the regular church services, by leading the worship with chants, hymns and songs.

At present, 72+ senior members and 50+ Junior members actively take part in the services every week.

Thomas Varghese
Lay Vice President T041
Biju Abraham
Secretary B303
Asha Mary Mathew
Joint Secretary A401
Saju Thomas
Treasurer S267
Vinay Thomas Varghese
Choir Master V192